Reflections on the First Decade of SINHAS
Page 1-2
Mark Liechty
“Learning to be Modern”: Mass Media and Identity in Kathmandu
Page 3-29
David Holmberg
Violence, Non-violence, Sacrifice, Rebellion, and the State
Page 31-64
Celayne Heaton Shrestha
Representing INGO-NGO Relations in Nepal: Are We Being Donor-Centric?
Page 65-96
Sara Shneiderman and Mark Turin
Revisiting Ethnography, Recognizing a Forgotten People: The Thangmi of Nepal and India
Page 97-181
Ajit Baral
Damme, This is the Nepali Travel Writing Scene for You
Page 183-192
Book Reviews
March, Kathryn S. 2002. “If Each Comes Halfway:” Meeting Tamang Women in Nepal, reviewed by Katsuo Nawa
Page 193-198
Rankin, Katharine Neilson. 2004. The Cultural Politics of Markets: Economic Liberalization and Social Change in Nepal, reviewed by Jagannath Adhikari
Page 198-205
कोइराला, विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद । २०६३ । फेरि सुन्दरीजल - जेल डायरी (२०३३-३४) । समीक्षक रमेश पराजुली
पृष्ठ २०५-२०८
Author Index for SINHAS (1996-2005)
Page 209-218