‘Deepfakes’ and Democracy in Nepal: A Philosophy and Policy Angle

- Saugat Bhattarai

Discussion Type: Mangalbaarey | Date: 07 Nov 2023 | Time: 03:00 PM


7 November 2023/२१ कात्तिक २०८० (मंगलबार, दिउँसो ३ बजे)
‘Deepfakes’ and Democracy in Nepal: A Philosophy and Policy Angle
Saugat Bhattarai, Lecturer, Institute for Advanced Communication, Education and Research (IACER)

About the Speaker:
Saugat Bhattarai completed his Master's degree in Philosophy and Social Policy from George Washington University. He is currently a lecturer at Institute for Advanced Communication, Education and Research (IACER) in Kathmandu. He is interested in current developments in Artificial Intelligence and also seeks to understand the policy implications of such for Nepal. He writes on Artificial Intelligence and philosophy at saugat.substack.com. He is also a novelist who has published two books.

- Saugat Bhattarai

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