Education in Nepal Problems, Reforms and Social Change


This edited volume on Nepal's education includes scholarly works in the field that have been published in various journals and books inside and outside of Nepal since 1996. The arti¬cles in Part 1 deal with the major problems and issues in Nepal's school education. The articles in Part 2 focus on some of the major reforms implemented in Nepal's primary education. Finally, the articles in Part 3 look at the broader linkages between education, nationalism and social change. The book serves as a useful ref¬erence in providing a multi-disciplinary view of Nepal's school education system to both begin¬ners and to those more familiar with the current status of educational research and publications related to Nepal. It also attempts to introduce readers to the variety of research traditions in education and provide some directions for future research.

Republica 13 Nov 2009 page 10

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