Submission of Articles and Other Materials

Studies in Nepali History and Society (SINHAS) is a peer-reviewed semi-annual publication of Martin Chautari. SINHAS was founded in 1996 and is published by Mandala Book Point, Kathmandu, Nepal, in June and December. SINHAS provides an interdisciplinary forum for original research. The journal aims to further understanding of cultural politics and social conditions in Nepal through a commitment to historical analysis, attention to Nepali scholarship, and a willingness to explore new terrains. Detailed studies from any discipline are invited. All papers must have a substantive focus on Nepal, but comparative work is also welcome.

In addition to research-based articles, the journal invites submissions in the following areas:

  1. Critical reflection on the state of Nepal Studies. Articles may be oriented by topic, period, region or discipline;
  2. Commentary: Opinion pieces on current social issues, usually by individuals with first-hand experience of the topic under discussion;
  3. Single- and two-book reviews and multi-volume book review essays; and
  4. Notes from the archive.

Proposals for contributions in any of these categories should be addressed to the editors. Articles and other materials for SINHAS must be submitted electronically as a Word file attached to an e-mail. Notes for contributors and the style guide are provided here.

SINHAS strives to provide timely peer review, and in most cases does so. While the average initial response is provided within three months, this process has occasionally taken up to six months or more. If you feel review is slow, contact us. But also bear in mind that the speed of external review is not entirely in our hands, and that the reviewing and all other work of SINHAS' editors is entirely voluntary. The confidential peer review form that includes our reviewing guidelines is given here.

In most cases, after initial review, SINHAS will either accept an article contingent upon specified revisions, or decline to publish it. Occasionally an author will be asked to make revisions before a final determination of suitability is made. Authors of articles accepted for publication will receive further formatting details together with reviewers' comments. Authors published in the journal will receive a copy of the issue in which their article appears. SINHAS is published twice a year. Each volume, consisting of two issues, is approximately 440-500 pages. Depending on the length of articles, this allows publication of between twelve and fifteen articles per year. The speed with which articles are published depends upon the volume of submissions.

Reviews of Books

Books on Nepal as well as edited volumes in which a significant contribution on Nepal appears will be considered for review in SINHAS. Guidelines for single- and two-book reviews are provided here. To have your publication reviewed, please send one copy to the editorial address given below by registered book-post. Books received may or may not be reviewed in the journal but will be deposited in the Martin Chautari library.

Notes from the Archive

Started from volume 20, this new section seeks to expand access to archival materials from Nepal for the SINHAS readers. Extracts from public and private archives will be published with additional notes. Further details are provided here.

Notes for Contributors and Style Guide (in PDF format)

SINHAS Editorial Address

The Editors
Studies in Nepali History and Society
Martin Chautari, GPO Box 13470, Kathmandu, Nepal