Editorial Note
Page 205-206
Mary Des Chene
Is Nepal in South Asia? The Condition of Non-Postcoloniality
Page 207-223
Sanjeev Uprety
Nepali Modernities and Postmodernities: Theater, Culture and Politics
Page 225-249
Stephen D. Biggs
Reflections on the Social Embeddedness of S&T in Rural and Agricultural Transformations: Learning from Positive Experiences of Poverty Reduction and Social Inclusion in Nepal
Page 251-282
Rajendra Pradhan
(Rule of) Law, Justice and the Legal Process: A Case Study of a Land Dispute in Nepal
Page 283-319
Monica Mottin
Dramas for Social Change: Theatre for Development or the Development of the Theatre?
Page 321-347
सुमन खरेल
आधुनिक नेपाली संगीत यात्रा
पृष्ठ ३४९-३७५
Pitamber Sharma
Dr Harka Gurung and Planning in Nepal: Contribution, Impact and Relevance
Page 377-389
Book Reviews
Lawoti, Mahendra, ed. 2007. Contentious Politics and Democratization in Nepal
reviewed by Chudamani Basnet
Page 391-395
Uprety, Sanjeev. 2007. Ghanacakkar
reviewed by Bishnu Sapkota
Page 396-401
Regmi, D. R. 2007. Ancient Nepal, Medieval Nepal (2 vols.), Modern Nepal
reviewed by Tri Ratna Manandhar
Page 401-410
Nicoletti, Martino. 2006. The Ancestral Forest: Memory, Space and Ritual among the Kulunge Rai of Eastern Nepal
reviewed by Mark Turin
Page 410-414
Rai, Kavita. 2005. Dam Development: The Dynamics of Social Inequality in a Hydropower Project in Nepal
reviewed by Kumar Pandey
Page 414-419