Locating Public Finance Dynamics in Education in Nepal

This project seeks to understand the dynamics associated with the flows and usages of public finances within the school education sector.

This project seeks to understand the dynamics associated with the flows and usages of public finances within the school education sector in Nepal by analyzing the manner in which different social actors interpret meanings and measure moral and legal claims, practices and behaviors tied to corruption in the context of local standards and practices. The education sector, which receives the largest government and donor budgetary allocations and has undergone significant decentralization reforms, serves as a useful window through which public financial governance and the framing and understandings of corruption in Nepal can be understood during a protracted socio-political transition. The project is led by Martin Chautari in collaboration with Kathmandu University, Nepal and Aarhus University, Denmark. The project covers a period of five years (January 2015–December 2019) and is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


School Education

Digital copies of public documents related to school education in Nepal that are not easily available will be uploaded here. This is being done to facilitate academic research and public discussions and not to promote commercial use of them. The rights of the original copyright holders, if any, are acknowledged herein.


Post Doc/PhD Fellows


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Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-I)

Since its inception, one of the core activities of Martin Chautari (MC) has been to provide a platform for informed discussions and research.
Universal Connectivity Project (Phase I)

Universal Connectivity Project (Phase I)

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Universal Connectivity Project (Phase II)

Universal Connectivity Project (Phase II)

This project is funded by the Ford Foundation , South Asia Regional Office. The quality of the present Internet connectivity is at the bottom end of the international standard and global averages.
Ten Years of Peace in Nepal: Research Fellowship Program 2017

Ten Years of Peace in Nepal: Research Fellowship Program 2017

मार्टिन चौतारीले यूएनडीपी नेपालसँगको सहकार्यमा सन् २०६२/६३ (सन् २००६) यता नेपालको शान्ति स्थापनार्थ भएका प्रयासबारे अनुसन्धान गर्न नेपाली शोधार्थी/अनुसन्धातालाई फेलोसिप प्रदान गरेको छ ।


Martin Chautari’s work on media encompasses all five aspects of the institution’s work domains.
Higher Education

Higher Education

Martin Chautari's Educational Research Wing was established in 2008 with two major objectives.
Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-II)

Enhancing the Capacity of Rights-based Advocates (Phase-II)

In this project, MC assists local rights-based activists of Madhesh Province to produce high-quality research products that can be used for effective policy debates and for sparking civic dialogue on locally relevant issues.
Promoting the Environment for Further Deepening of Democracy in Nepal

Promoting the Environment for Further Deepening of Democracy in Nepal

The objective of the project is to enhance the debate for deepening of democratic practices in Nepal through research and informed public discussions.