Shailesh Pandey and Yogesh Raj
Free Float Internet Policies of Nepal
Pages 1-60
Rashmi Sheila
Identity and Representation of Gangsters and Gangs
Pages 61-83
Avash Bhandari
Hindu School in a Secular State: Interpreting Secularism in Nepal Ved Vidyashram
Pages 85- 112
Shrochis Karki
Positive Deviance: Success in Unexpected Places
Pages 113-149
देवेन्द्र उप्रेती
शक्तिमा हुनेको पनि असफलताः विराटनगरमा विश्वविद्यालय स्थापनार्थ भएका प्रयास (वि.सं. २०२३—२०४९)
Pages 151-181
Book Reviews
Bell, Thomas. 2014. Kathmandu, reviewed by Benjamin Linder
Pages 183-187
Giri, Girish. 2016. Birganj: Mero Saharko Katha, reviewed by Mallika Shakya
Pages 187-191
Allen, Charles. 2015. The Prisoner of Kathmandu: Brian Hodgson in Nepal, 1820–43, reviewed by Mark Liechty
Pages 191-195
Riccardi, Theodore, ed. 2015. Gian Gualberto da Massa: A Dictionary of the Newari Language with Glossary in Italian, 1792, reviewed by Tej R. Kansakar
Pages 195-198
Panthi, Arjun, Pratyoush Onta and Harsha Man Maharjan, eds. 2013. Nepali Magazineka 25 Varsha (2046–2070 v.s.), reviewed by Indra Dhoj Kshetri
Pages 198-203
Lecomte-Tilouine, Marie, ed. 2013. Revolution in Nepal: An Anthropological and Historical Approach to the People’s War, reviewed by Abha Lal
Pages 203-207
Raj, Yogesh and Bhaskar Gautam. 2015. Courage in Chaos: Early Rescue and Relief after the April Earthquake, reviewed by James Sharrock
Pages 207-212
Campbell, Ben. 2013. Living between Juniper and Palm: Nature, Culture and Power in the Himalayas, reviewed by Rohan D’Souza
Pages 212-215
Nakagawa, Kanako. 2016. Nepārude Kāsutowo Ikinuku: Kugito Niku-uriwo Ninau Hitobitono Minzokushi, reviewed by Sanae Ito
Pages 215-219
Sato, Seika. 2015. Kanojotachitonokaiwa: Nepāruyorumoshakainiokeruraifu/storīno jinruigaku, reviewed by Taeko Uesugi
Pages 219-222
Giri, Anbika. 2071 v.s. Manchheko Rang, reviewed by Manjushree Thapa
Pages 223-226